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  命题人:河北农业大学 周业巍
  一.  单项填空1*20
  (  )  1.-Have you seen____ film Mei Lanfang ? ?
  --Yes. It is ___ exciting film.?
  A  the,/  B  the, a  C the ,an  D / ,the?
  (  )  2. I am a player of our school”s ___meeting so I need many___?
  A   sports, water   B  sport ,water   C sports, bottles of water ?
  D   sports  ,  bottles of waters ?
  (  )  3. ---Shut up .I don’t feel very well .?
  --- ____?
  A  I am sorry to hear that    B It does not matter ?
  C  That is all right         D You are welcome?
  (  )  4. Everyone likes playing basketball, ___ makes it a popular sports all the world.?
  A what   B   that   C /   D which?
  (  )  5. All ___ we need is just a cup of coffee .?
  A which   B what   C /   D when?
  (  )  6. He is the only student ___ table tennis better than Jim.?
  A whom play   B who  plays  C who  play  D who  playing?
  (  )  7 .The man ___ be our teacher .He has gone to Zhangjiakou.?
  A must not   B can not   C need not   D may not?
  (  )  8. I have___ Baoding  for seven years but I ___ Baoding forever. ?
  A been away from , belong to         B left ,belong to?
  C been away from , are belong to       D left ,are belong to?
  (  )  9. He ____the soldier sortie when the telephone rang.?
  A was watching   B have watched  ?
  C would watch   D watched?
  (  )  10. I _____my  breakfast when the plane took off.?
  A have had   B had had  C had have  D have have ?
  (  )  11. I feel___ when I see that ___match.?
  A excited , excited    B excited , exciting?
  C exciting , excited   D exciting, exciting ?
  (  )  12. It is important _____you ____the table clean.?
  A for keeping B for to keep C of keeping D of to keep?
  (  )  13. The  population in India is _____than _____in China.?
  A larger /B largest that C larger that D largest /?
  (  )  14. They  preferred _____in bed rather than _______ horses.?
  A to lie to ride  B to lie ride  C lying riding  D lying ride?
  (  )  15. He has been away from the university for 12 years, __  he ??
  A. hasn`t         B.didn`t         C.doesn`t    D.has he?
  (  )  16. -Hurry up, _____you will be late.?
  --Yes. I see.?
  A or    B and   C /   D but?
  (  )  17. -_____wonderful weather!?
  A What a So it is       B what so it is ?
  C How a so is it        D What so is it?
  (  )  18.____the heavy rain, he did not attend the meeting.?
  A In spite of   B Though  C Because of  D Rather than?
  (  )  19. The ______ Olympic  Games _______in London.?
  A thirty will hold          B   thirtieth will be held?
  C thirtieth has been held    D   thirty will be held?
  (  )  20. Jim is _________ friendly that he _______each other.?
  A so gets on well with            [/B] B such gets on well with  C such gets off with                 D so goes on with  ?
二[/B]完形填空[/B](1.5*10)[/B] ?
  Have you ever complained(抱怨)life is so boring ? Does the sky sometimes seem __21_to you?  Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well , friends ,__22_and smile all the time .If you see the world with your warm heart ,you will find that the _23__world smile to you.  ?
  One day it is fine . Just _24__you want to go out ,it suddenly starts to rain._25__ you would feel very sad and start complaining about weather .But dear friend ,why not sit down and listen to the free concert __26_ the nature offers you ?And with the timely rain ,crops in the field will grow better and better and _27__ will have a good harvest.?
  Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do ,__28_failure can not be avoided .I think failure is not terrible ,and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and _29__hope .When we face failure, we muse be confident in ourselves.?
  Attitude decides everything .With an optimistic(乐观的) attitude ,life is easy and pleasant ,Let us smile to _30__we meet and the whole world would smile to us.   ?
  ()21.A dark       B windy       C sunny        D black?


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