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  英    语
  5. How many people are there in John’s family?
  A. Three.                       B. Four.                 C. Five.
  6. What does his father do?
  A. A worker.                    B. A teacher.              C. A nurse.
  7. When will they meet tomorrow?
  A. At seven.                    B. At eight.               C. At nine.
  8. How will they go to the History Museum?
  A. By bus.                     B. By bike.                C. By Train.
  9. What was wrong with Jack yesterday afternoon?
  A. He got a toothache.   B. He got a cold.    C. He got a stomachache.
  10. What will Alice do after school?
  A. Help Jack with his lessons.    B. Look after Jack.         C. Play with Jack.
  11. Who is the  woman talking with?
  A. A student.                 B. A teacher.            C. A father.
  12. What does the man think of Frank?
  A. He is quiet.               B. He is honest.            C. He is active.
  13. What does the woman think good students should be like?
  A. They should ask questions.          B. They should pay attention in class.
  C. They should not be afraid of making mistakes.
  请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小 题。
  14. How many laws are discussed in the speech?
  A. Three.       B. Four.       C. Five.
  15. Who does the speaker give advice to?
  A. Travelers to the country.        B. Women who take along children.
  C. Children under 16 years old.
  16. What can we learn from the speech?
  A. It is against the law for anyone to smoke in this country.
  B. It is against the law for people to buy wine for their friends.
  C. It is against the law to move on the right side of the road in this country.
  Yellow Taxi Service
  Name:             17.  ______
  Time:             18.  at ______ a.m. tomorrow
  To:               19.  the ______
  Address:           20.  No. 60 _____ Street
  Phone Number :         724-9981
知识运用  (共27分)


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