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  (全卷共八个答题,满分:150分, 考试时间: 120分钟)
  友情提示: 1. 全卷分为第I卷和第II卷, 第I卷的答案做在答题卡上, 第II卷的答案做在第II卷的试卷上.
  2. 保持良好心态,沉着冷静应考!
  1. A. I’m afraid you can’t. B. That’s great.C. It doesn’t matter.
  2. A. She is happy. B. She likes dancing.   C. She is tall and pretty.
  3. A. I’m glad you love it. B. No problem.            C. It’s nothing.
  4. A. You too. B. I’m afraid I can’t.C. I will.
  5. A. Yes, help yourself.B. Of course not. C. No.Please don’t.
  6. A. Ok, I will.B. Sorry, I am leaving.C. Really?
  7. A. Yes. B. No.C. Maybe.
  8. A. Mom’s.B. Tim’s.C. Tom’s.
  9. A. Boring.B. Interesting.C. tiring.
  10. A. Docotor.B. Soldier.C. Athlete.
  11. A. At 7:00.B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.
  12. A.In a city.B.In a factory.C. On a farm.
  听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。
  13. Last summer, Jane went to Shanghai to __________.
  A. visit her friendB. do some shoppingC. study about Shanghai Expo
  14. She went there __________.
  A. with her parentsB. aloneC. with her friends
  15. She left Shanghai _________.
  A. 4 years agoB. 5 years agoC. 6 years ago
  16. From the passage ,we know that _________.
  A. Jane flew to Shanghai last summer
  B. All people love Shanghai food including Jane
  C. Jane is living in Beijing right now
  17. This is _________.
  A. a telephone messageB. an advertisementC. a conversation
  18. Mr. Smith will pay _________ for the two rooms a night.
  A. 100 dollarsB. 200 dollarsC. 300 dollars
  19. Mr. Smith doesn’t need to pay for _________.
  A. breakfastB. lunchC. supper
  20. Mr. Smith will arrive at the hotel on __________.
  A. August 3B. August 13C. August 30


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