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  听力部分 (25分)
  一、听对话,回答问题 (共5小题, 计5分)
  1. How does John learn English?   (原创)
  A. By making flashcards.    B. By studying grammar.   C. By listening to tapes.
  2. What is Mike allowed to do on weekends? (原创)
  A. Go hiking.     B. Go shopping.      C. Watch movies at home.
  3. When will they have breakfast? (原创)
  A. At 7:00.    B. At 7:10.     C. At 7:20.
  4. What are the girls doing? (原创)
  A. Playing basketball.   B. Cheering for the boys.    C. Cleaning up the floor.
  5. What’s the man’s idea? (原创)
  A. To take notes.    B. To do more exercises.   C. To copy others’ homework.
  二、听较长对话,回答问题 (共6小题, 计12分)
  听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第8三个小题。现在, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。
  6. Who took the photos on the table? (根据江干区2010年中考模拟题改编)
  A. The man.     B. The woman.    C. The woman’s son.
  7. What does the man think of the photos?
  A. Nice.        B. Too bad.       C. Just so-so.
  8.What does the man do?
  A. A doctor.     B. A teacher.      C. A photographer(摄影师)
  9. Why is Jimmy unhappy?  (根据上城区2010年中考模拟题改编)
  A. Because he is ill.    B. Because he is tired.    C. Because he has too many family rules.
  10. What would Jimmy like to do?
  A. To go shopping by himself.  B. To meet a friend online.    C. To go out with friends.
  11. What would the girl do if she had a fr iend online?
  A. She would never meet the friend by herself.
  B. She would meet the friend.
  C. She would go to play with the friend.


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