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  第一部分  听力部分
  一 听力 (共15小题,满分20分)
  1. What is Peter’s favorite animal?
  2. How is the weather now?
  3. Who likes Beijing Opera?
  4. When is Mary’s birthday?
  5. How did Lucy come to school?
  第二节:听长对话.从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项.回答问题.(共5小题, 每小题l分.满分5分)
  6.What are the two speakers talking about?
  A.A photo.    B.A gift.   C.A book
  7.How does the woman feel about her sister?
  A.Angry.    B.Sorry.   C. Proud
  8.Why is Tony feeling terrible?
  A.Because he can’t sleep well.
  B.Because he has a fever.
  C.Because he has a stomachache.
  9.Where are the two speakers now?
  A.At home.    B.In the hospital.  C. In the school.
  10.What does Tony’s mother want him to do?
  A.To go to school.    B.To have a rest.  C.To watch TV.
  Welcome to Air China
  Flight Number:11___________From Shanghai to 12____________
  Leaves:10:00 Arrives:13_____________
  Safety instructions:Do not use 14____________ when the plane takes off.
  Keep your seatbelt fastened (扣牢).
  Do not 15 ___________anywhere on the airplane.
  11.A.CA ll7  B. CA 171   C. CA 711
  12.A.Moscow   B. Paris   C. London
  13.A.13:00   B. 15:00  C. 20:00
  14.A.computers  B. cameras   C. MP4s
  15.A.eat   B. smoke   C. talk

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