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  英  语
  A)图片判断  根据你所听到的五段短对话.从A-G中选择五个与你所听对话内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置.其中有两幅图片是多余的。
  6. How do the two speakers get the news?
  A. On TV.                 B. On the radio.          C. From the newspaper.
  7. Who was badly hurt in the traffic accident?
  A. A bike rider.            B. A truck driver.         C. A car driver.
  8. How many times will the movie be shown that night?
  A. Twice.                  B. Three times.           C. Four times.
  9. Where is the man's office?
  K. On the third floor.        B. On the second floor.    C. On the first floor.
  10. How much is the ticket?
  A. 30 yuan.                B. 40 yuan.             C. 50 yuan.
  c)采访反应  根据你所听到的采访内客和实际情况,写出答语,完成录音问卷调查表。
  QUESTIONAIRE     Yow subjects 11.                                    12.                                         13.                                    14.                                         15.
  D)笔录要点 根据你所听到的短文,完成下列表格中第16-20小题(毎空不超过三个单词)。
  Help to Fight Pollution
  Pollution    Water Making rivers and lakes dirty. Killing fish and polluting our l6    water.
  NoiseMaking us talk l7    and become angry more easily.
  18.       Bad for living things.
  Factories19.their water before throwing it away.
  Rules     People Do not throw waste on the ground Go to work 20.    or in the same car.
  A)单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个最佳答案填空。

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