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英  语

一、听力测试:听录音。根据各题要求选择最佳答案,并将代表正确答案的字母写在题前括号内。每项内容读两遍。 (每小题1分。共20分)


(    )1.(    )2.(    )3.(    )4.(    )5.




(     )6. Where is Tom's father?

A. In London.            B. In Paris.               C. In New York.

(     ) 7. How long will Bob stay in his office tomorrow morning?

A. Seven hours.          B. Eight hours.           C. Nine hours.

(    ) 8. What' s Bill doing now?

A. Playing basketball.   B. Playing football.      C. Doing his homework.

(     )9. Why wouldn't the man like more cakes?

A. Because he doesn't like cakes.

B. Because he is full.

C. Because he wants to eat some bread.

(     )10. Why does the man's father drink so much?

A. Because he is very sad.

B. Because he likes drinking.

C. Because he is very happy.


(     )11. Who are the speakers?

A. Mother and son.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Doctor and patient.

(     )12. How long should the boy spend taking exercise every week?

A. Twenty minutes.

B. Forty minutes.

C. An hour.


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