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  (  ) 13.-Why don’t you _______the correct spelling of the word?
  -I’m sorry. I don’t have a Chinese-English dictionary at hand.
  A. look for          B. look down
  C. look up           D. look at
  (  ) 14. Have you _______ your new classmates yet?
  A. had friends with      B. made friend with
  C. got friend to         D. made friends with
  (  ) 15-Would you mind ______ my baby while I am away?
  -Of course not.
  A. looking for        B. looking at
  C. looking after     D. looking forward to
  (  ) 16..Tom, ______ your sunglasses. The sun is so bright.
  A. put on            B. put up
  C. put away            D. put down
  (  ) 17.-Could I speak to Lily, please?
  --_____ a minute. I will call her at once.
  A. Hold on           B. Pass on
  C. Put on             D. Hold back
  (  ) 18.I am sure those scientists will ______ a way to solve the difficult problem.
  A. put up             B. come up with
  C. look up             D. come up
  (  ) 19.--Tim, ______ your T-shirt at once! It looks so dirty.
  --Sorry, Mum. I was playing football the whole afternoon.
  A. take off         B. take on
  C. put off           D. put on
  (  ) 20.---Could you come to my home this weekend?
  --I’m afraid I can’t. I_____ look after my grandmother in hospital.
  A. used to             B. have to
  C. prefer to           D. belong to

(  ) 21.The global financial crisis(金融危机) has made many people_____ their money.
  A. to care for          B. took care of
  C. be careful with     D. to be cared about
  (  ) 22.---These problems are too difficult to ___ . Could you please give me some advice?
  --There are many ways, but the most important is to think them over before doing them.
  A. work out            B. look out
  C. hand out            D. put out
  (  ) 23.--I’m sorry I can’t find the library book anywhere.
  --I’m afraid you have to ______ it.
  A. send for            B. call for
  C. pay for            D. wait for
  (  ) 24.---,Jim, what are you doing now?
  --I’m writing to my good friend, Tom.He moved to America last week.He must be_____ receiving my e-mail.
  A.1istening to     B.looking forward to
  C.hoping to     D. excited to
  (  ) 25. Jill doesn’t like the sunglasses in m.91zhongkao.com the ad because they can’t _____ the sun well.
  A. take out              B. keep out
  C. clean out              D. look out
  (  ) 26. It is impolite to _____ those people in trouble.
  A.1augh to     B. 1augh with
  C. laugh of        D. 1augh at
  (  ) 27.My grandmother________ us stories when we were young.
  A.was used to tell   B.is used to telling
  C.used to tell     D.was used to tell
  (  ) 28. Many old buildings were _______ and new buildings are being built.
  A. put out                  B. pulled down
  C. gone down          D. fell down
  (  ) 29.-Tess, your books are in a terrible mess (凌乱)on your desk.
  -I’m sorry. I’ll _________ at once.
  A. put them away      B. put them out
  C. put them on         D. put them down
  (  ) 30. .More and more waste has ___ a lot of space. We should take some measures to reduce it.
  A. taken place                B. taken away
  C. taken up                   D. taken off
  【质量标准控制 考试满分过关】
  1---5 ABBBB  6---10 AABBB  11---15 CBCDC   16---20 AABAB   21---25 CACBB   26---30 DCBAC


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