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Ⅲ. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  W: Excuse me, I want to book a room.
  M: What kind of room would you like?
  W: A single room. How much does it cost each day?
  M: 100 yuan each day. How long will you stay?
  W: For 3 days.
  M: OK. Please wait.
  M: What are you doing this afternoon, Anna?
  W: I’m going to the mall with John. He just got his driver’s license.
  M: I’m sorry. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.
  W: But I want to go to the mall. Judy is getting her ears pierced.
  M: Teenagers should not be allowed to get their ears pierced.
  W: I want to buy a new T-shirt at the mall, too.
  M: Well, maybe I should go with you.
  W: Aw, Dad! I’m not a child. I think I should be allowed to choose my own clothes.
  M: OK.

  Tom saw an advertisement for a beautiful, modern bike in a newspaper. It only cost 55 dollars. So he went to the shop and asked to see the bike in the advertisement.
  The shopkeeper was very happy to show him one. Tom looked at it carefully and said, “Why doesn’t this bike have a basket on it now? There was one on the bike in your advertisement.”
  “ Yes, sir,” answered the shopkeeper, m.91zhongkao.com“but the basket isn’t included in the price of the bike.”
  “ Not included in the price of the bike?” Tom said angrily, “ But that’s not honest. If the basket is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price you gave there.”
  “ Well, sir,” answered the shopkeeper quietly, “ there is a girl on the bike in your advertisement, but we don’t offer one with the bike either.”
  Do you like pop music? Most people do. One of the best bands is the New Ocean Waves. They have just had eight major concerts and they’re going to appear on CCTV next month. Be sure not to miss them if they come to near you-if you can get tickets, that is.
  Apple Ice-cream is a rock band It’s my favorite band. They have written their own original songs although they used to sing other people’s songs. They have made a hit CD in the last twelve months.
  Wild and Windy is the band which has lots of energy. Every song is really loud and the lyrics aren’t very good. However, these are musicians who make us happy-even on a Monday morning.

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