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  英 语 试 题
  2、答第Ⅰ卷前务必将自己的姓 名、考号、考试科目及试卷类型涂写在答题卡上。考试结束,试题和答题卡一并收回。
  (一) 听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。
  1. A. I’m Chinese.B. I’m not well.C. I’m a foreigner.
  2. A. She walks much.B. She does every day.C. She walks to school.
  3. A. What a pity!B. Help yourself.C. Watch out.
  4. A. Not at all.B. Thank you.C. No, not so good.
  5. A. Let’s go.    B. I’m ready.C. Yes, I have.
  (二) 听对话,选择相应的图画。每段对话读两遍。
  (三) 听五段对话和五个问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。你将有15秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。
  11. A. Warm.B. Cold.C. Hot.
  12. A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn’t.C. We don’t know.
  13. A. In 2008.B. Six years ago.C. In 2000.
  14. A. He likes loud music.B. The house here is too old.
  C. He wants to live in a quiet place.
  15. A. Fish.B. Chicken.C. Beef.
  (四) 听一段长对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。你将有15秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。
  16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. Life.    B. Camping.C. Plans.
  17. What will the woman do in the city?
  A. Work at a store.    B. Attend a school.C. Have a picnic.
  18. Who will the woman stay with?
  A. The man.    B. Her family.C. The man’s brother.
  19. What do they do in the morning when they camp?
  A. Go swimming.    B. Play basketball.C. Tell stories.
  20. What can we learn from the conversation? m.91zhongkao.com
  A. The woman has worked for four summers.
  B. John is the man’s brother.
  C. Summer vacation is coming.
  (五) 听短文,回答下面五个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有15秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。
  21. When did this happen?
  A. One afternoon.     B. One night.   C. One morning.
  22. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door?
  A. One person.     B. Two persons.   C. Three persons.
  23. What did the young man wear?
  A. A white shirt. B. A pair of glasses.   C. Long trousers.
  24. Who was the young man?
  A. He w as a friend of the writer’s.
  B. He was a friend of the writer’s brother’s.
  C. He was a strange man to them.
  25. What was probably the end of the story?
  A. The young man was taken away by the police.
  B. The young man became their friend.
  C. The young man ran away.
  26. A: Bob, you look so happy today!
  B: Well, I got _____________“A ”on my English test.
  A. the    B. a    C. an    D. /
  27. A: Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom’s?
  B: No, it isn’t. ______________ is white.
  A. Mine             B. Hers        C. His         D. Yours
  28. A: When did the Shanghai Expo open?
  B: ___________ May 1st, 2010.
  A. In                B. On          C. At                D. By

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