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  Not only men, but also women and young people have stress. The most important reasons for stress are : death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendship and so on.112. Stress is everywhere in our everyday life.
  How should we relax ourselves? Doctors now say that there are easier ways–people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because it is the natural way of relaxing themselves.
  113. Doing relaxing exercise, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relaxing ourselves .
  假如你是刘明,即将告别朝夕相处的老师,请给你最喜欢的一位老师Mr Wang写几句话,向他表达你的感激之情及美好祝愿。
  请以How my school life has changed为题,围绕以上内容并结合下面图示用英语写一篇短文。
  参考词汇:kick jianzi  v. 踢毽子   skip rope  v. 跳绳
  要求:1. 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;
  2. 书写工整、规范;
  3. 根据所给内容及参考词汇,请适当发挥;
  5. 词数:70词左右。文章的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  How my school life has changed
  My school life has changed a lot since this term. …

  (A) 1-5   BBCAB    (B) 6-10. CABAC   (C)11-15  CACAB     (D)16-20  CABBC
  21-25 DCBCD         26-30 CDBBC        31-35.  ABBCD      36-40  ABDAD
  41-45 BDCDA         46-50 BADCB
  51-55 CBBAB         56-60 CCBAD          61-65 DCBDA         66-70 DCABB
  71-75 FBGAD
  第二卷 主观题 (共75分)
  76. Is there a Home-in hotel near here/around here/in the neighborhood?
  77. Walk/Go(straight ) along/down/up the street/road
  78. How far is it(from here)?
  79. Which bus can /shall I take?
  80. Thank you./Thanks a lot./ Many thanks.
  81.listen        82.only       83. themselves.   84. first        85.or
  86. questions    87. asking     88.by           89.doing       90.succeed
  (A). 91.An/His old jacket and worn-out shoes.            92. A note and a 100-dollar bill.
  93. Yes.                                       94. Kindness.
  95. We should be kind/friendly/helpful/kind-hearted to others./We should respect each other.
  (B) 96.the safety/ keeping/staying(/yourself/yourselves) safe  97. Call 119 !
  98. Quickly move under the desk.                    99. Run across the street.
  100.Take care of /Look after yourself
  IX. 句子翻译
  101. one of the most beautiful cities
  102. too young to stay/so young that she can’t stay /not old enough to stay
  103. as hard/ difficult as
  104. neither swim nor skate
  105. was invented
  106. There will be/There is going to be
  107. This book belongs to me.
  108. He gets on /along well with his parents./He is getting on/along well with his parents.
  109. What does the song remind you of?
  110. I used to have short hair.
  111. Sunny days make me happy/pleased./A sunny day makes me happy/pleased.
  114.小作文One possible version:
  Dear Mr Wang,
  Thank you so much for helping me .You help me a lot with my English. You always encourage me to study hard. You are very kind and friendly to us. I hope you are in good health and happy forever.
  Liu Ming
  115.大作文One possible version:
  How my school life has changed
  My school life has changed a lot since this term. We don’t need to get to school early. We begin our lessons at eight o’clock. We can get enough sleep.
  At school we have at least one hour for sports to relax ourselves every day. After the second class we do morning exercises. After that we usually kick jianzi or skip rope. In the afternoon, we can do different kinds of sports. Some play basketball, some play football, others run on the playground.
  After school, we don’t have too much homework to do. We have lots of free time. We can do what we like . We can take part in many after-school activities.
  In a word, we are happier and healthier than before.
  1. 单词错误三处扣1分;
  2. 语法错误两处扣1分;
  3. 小作文只要符合语境、语言规律,使用过去时、完成时、一般现在时均可得分。
  1. 一档作文:13-15分,书写工整、规范,内容丰富,语言流畅,条理清晰,无语法错误、单词拼写错误或错误极少;
  2. 二档作文:10-12分,书写比较工整,内容比较丰富,语言流畅,条理清晰,有少量语法及单词错误;
  3. 三档作文:6-9分, 书写不够工整, 内容不够丰富,语言不够流畅,条理不够清晰,有部分语法及单词错误;
  4. 四档作文:0-5分, 字迹潦草, 内容不丰富,语言不流畅,条理不清晰,有很多语法及单词错误。


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