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Write at least 60 words about the topic“Love around me”. (以“我身边的爱”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名以及其他相关信息,否则不予评分)(总分16分)
Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点)
Is there any love around you? (Give one or two examples.)
How do you feel when you get love from him/ her/ them?
What are you going to do to show your love?


I live on a planet which is full of love. I can get love form my teachers, friends and my parents. When I get love from them, I feel warm and happy. They are the most important people in my life. I should show my love to them. I will help my parents to do some housework if they are tired. I will help my friends when they are in trouble. I should show my love to the person who gives me love.
张老师点评:这篇文章其实是相当有文采的。开篇第一句话和最后一句话都正确使用了定语从句,这已经足以为其争取到1分的文采分了。整篇文章除了第一句有点不符合常理(planet不能用full of love,应该用world)和第6句help后面不应该用to之外,其他句子都没有语病,扣1分的语言分也可以理解。但是本文最大的败笔就在于遗漏了一个要点!题目要求对自己周围的love给出1-2个例子,但是本文中没有任何例子,于是被扣了2分的内容分,非常可惜。正所谓

Love never leaves me. My parents, teachers, classmates and so on give love to me. My mother always come to my room and close the windows when I fall asleep on the cold night. My classmates and teachers always give me a hand when I have something difficult to do. I feel very warm and happy when I get love from all these people around me. I will give my father a cup of tea when he finish all the works. I will help my mother to do some housework. Love around me all the time.
1.    三单。除了第一句之外的2处三单都用错了(找到了吗?)。虽然原则上讲每个语法点错只扣0.5,且重复不计,但是像三单这么基础的语法点,扣1分也不为过。
2.    最后一句缺系动词。也许这位同学是想在最后一句用一个短句子作为有力的结尾,可惜偷鸡不成蚀把米,句子不是想短就能短的。
当然,文中还有on the cold night、when I fall a sleep、finish all the works等小一点的语法错误,但是仅仅是前面2个大的语法错误,就足以显示这位同学的功底了。正所谓

There is much love around me. Especially my parents, teachers, friends even some strangers. The love needs our heart to feel. Parents’ love is like river, silent and warm. When I’m in trouble, they encourage me in silent words. Friends' love is like fire, full of energy. It makes me more confident. And I also show my love in action to care others. Love is teaching me to love.
张老师点评:这是一篇让人爱恨交织的文章。按照08年以前的评分标准,原则上讲,内容和语言在12分及其以下者,是不能给2分的文采分的。但是这篇文章的几个句子,着实让人觉得爱不释手。例如Parents’ love is like river, silent and warm. 再例如 Love is teaching me to love. 这样的句子虽然并不复杂,但是读起来却像诗句一样。我想这也是为什么判卷的老师在文章中有明显错误的情况下(找到错误在什么地方了吗?),还给出2分的文采分。所以我想告诉同学们的是,文采分并不是神话,只要有意识地去准备一些结构,并在文章中合理使用,文采分是可以有计划地去获取的。正所谓:孩子们,加油!

There is some love around me. Among all the people, I think my parents love me best. I study so hard that I don't go to bed until mid-night. However, my parents will always turn off their light after I do. While I am writing this passage, my parents are standing at the school gate. I decide to buy some flowers for them to show my love this afternoon.

找出来了吗?其实,这篇文章缺少的要点还是挺明显的:How do you feel when you get love from him/ her/ them?这个要点可能只是一个形容词,复杂一点也就一个句子而已。但就是少了这一小部分,就被扣掉了1分内容分。要点是最容易得分也最容易扣分的部分,一旦扣分,就会让学生痛不欲生。迄今为止我已经点评了3篇关于要点的文章,就是希望同学们一定要保持警醒啊!正所谓:“题目字字是珠玑,逐条对应莫大意。”

I've been surrounded by love from my family since I was born. For example, my grandma often stays in the kitchen all day long, cooking foods which are healthy and delicious for me. My father isn't good at expressing his emotions, but my mom said that he always kissed me good-night without letting me know at night. I didn't know that at all because I was sleeping! I feel happy when I get sweet love from my family. My family members are the only people who are willing to sacrifice for you for nothing in this world! Of course I love them too, and I'm going to show my love by caring for them as much as I can. I'll wash bowls after meals, chat with them and make them laugh. Studying hard and make them pleased with me is also a good way to show my love. I will cherish the love around me forever!
张老师点评: 这篇文章亮点太多,只能在原文上批注.请看下图:



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