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  在你成长的过程中,学校生活给你留下了深刻印象。在你即将初中毕业之际,校园论坛发起“创建和谐校园”(Build a Harmonious Campus)的主题活动。假设你是马琳,请根据提示写一篇倡议书,号召大家为创建和谐校园,争做文明学生而努力。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)




  Dear Friends,

  Our government calls for everyone to try his best to build a harmonious society.

  As a student, we also need to try our best to build a harmonious campus. First, we should protect the trees and flowers. We can’t pick up flowers and we can’t walk on the grass. We can’t also throw litter here and there . We should make our school beautiful. Second, we should be kind to our teachers and classmates , and we can’t be a dishonest man , we are supposed to be kind to everyone. Finally, as a student, we should study hard, we should obey the school rules , we are supposed to take an active part in activities , because it’s good for our health and it’s also good for our study.


  “安全你我他,幸福千万家”,关爱生命,确保平安,让我们的生活更加幸福安康。请以“Keep safe________(at home/at school/on the road)”为题写一篇80个词左右的英语短文。


  内容包括:1.Is it important to keep safe? 2.Why do you think so?

  3.How can you keep safe…?

  Keep safe at school

  It’s important for us to keep safe at school and it will make us study better and live more happily. In order to keep safe at school, we must pay attention to some things.

  First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs. Second, make sure to be safe when we are doing sports. Try not to be hurt. Third, learn about some knowledge of safety. It’s helpful to us.

  If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe at school.


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