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  Two old men lived in a room on the third floor of an old people’s home. Both men were very old and badly ill, and they spent 24 hours a day in bed in the room.
  Luckily, one of the old men had his bed by the window, and every day he spent hours telling his friend far from the window what he could see through the window. He told him about the traffic going by, the children playing in the park opposite, and the birds flying in trees. The old man far from the window got a lot of pleasure from hearing about the world outside, but after a time he began to get rather unhappy. How nice it would be, he thought, if he had the bed by the window and could see everything for him, instead of just hearing about it.
  One night, the man by the window called to his friend, “Quick! Pull the alarm by your bed, I don’t think I can get through the night!” But his friends, expecting an empty bed by the window, did nothing---he just closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
  The next morning, the nurse found the man dead in his bed by the window.
  The old man was very excited as they moved him into the empty bed by the window. He sat up in bed, pulled back the curtain, looked out --- and saw only a wall.
  46. Who do you think was kind in the story?
  A. The old man by the window.    B. The old man far from the window.
  C. Both of the men.              D. Neither of the men.
  47. The old man didn’t pull the alarm by the bed because _________.
  A. he was too weak to do it.    B. he had fallen into a deep sleep.
  C. he didn’t hear what the other man asked to do
  D. he wanted to move to the bed by the window.
  48. The old man by the window thought _______that night when he asked his friend for help.
  A. he wouldn’t die   B. he would die   C. he couldn’t sleep   D. he could sleep
  49. In fact, there was ___ outside the window.
  A. a garden   B. a park    C. a wall     D. a picture
  50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
  A. The two old men weren’t badly ill.  B. The living old man knew the truth.
  C. The nurse didn’t look after the old man carefully.
  D. The old man by the window could see a lot through the window.
  You may be a top student, but imagine if you have to leave alone, will life be as easy as when your parents are around? Few teenagers are able to give a positive answer to this question. The first thing that worries Xiao Hua is where to find food. The 14-year-old student says that she knows little about cooking.
  “The only thing I can make to fill my stomach is tomato and egg soup, and I think many of my classmates are the same,” she said.
  Although she believes that basic(基础)living skills such as cooking and washing clothes are a must in creating a self-made person, the girl doesn’t think teenagers are given enough opportunities to practice.
  “I would like to learn in summer holidays before I enter high school. But when we are in junior middle school, parents do almost everything for us.” She said.
  For most teenagers like Xiao Hua, it’s only when they have to leave home do they decide to learn some living skills. They are too busy with their heavy schoolwork to think about such stuff.
  However, Xiao Ming, a 15-year-old boy, doesn’t think so. “We should develop these skills day by day, just in case of unexpected situation,” he said.
  A few days ago, his mother broke her leg and Xiao Ming started to cook for the family. Luckily, he had learned to cook a few dishes from his mom before the accident.
  Xiao Ming’s school is going to start an elective course(选修课)in cooking, in which lots of special cooking skills will be taught. It has interested many students and Xiao Ming wishes he had time to take it.
  “I’m afraid it’s too much for most of the students because as far as I know, few have simple kitchen knowledge,” he said.
  In his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like “cleaning up your room or even dressing yourself in a right way.”
  51. In Xiao Hua’s opinion, many of her classmates know        .
  A. much about cooking     B. a little about cooking
  C. little about cooking     D. more about cooking
  52. Xiao Hua thinks that teenagers     to practice some basic living skills.
  A. should have enough opportunities   B. shouldn’t have enough opportunities
  C. have enough opportunities         D. have had enough opportunities
  53. According to the writer, most teenagers spend too much time in    .
  A. playing      B. working       C. cooking     D. studying
  54. Xiao Ming had known something about cooking but he hoped that
  A. he began to learn more         B. he was learning more
  C. he could learn more            D. he must learn more
  55. What’s the best title for the passage?
  A. Learning to Cook             B. Learning to Do Housework
  C. Learning to Wash             D. Learning an Elective Course

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