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 (二)、录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。( W: woman   M: man    Q: question)
  6. W: Which shirt do you like?
  M: I can't decide.
  W: Well, which color do you like?
  M: I prefer black to yellow.
  Q: What color does the man like better?
  7. W: Where would you like to visit?
  M:I’d like to visit somewhere cool.
  Q: Where would the man like to visit?
  8. M: Sixteen-year-olds can go to work in a factory.
  W: I don’t agree with you. They can’t be workers until they reach eighteen years old, I think.
  Q: Who does the man think can be workers?
  9. W: Excuse me, was the telephone invented in 1867?
  M: No. It was invented in 1876.
  Q: When was the telephone invented?
  10. W: Don’t read in poor light. It’s bad for your eyes. You are supposed to read in bright light.
  M: Thanks.
  Q: What’s the boy doing?
  Li Lei is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village, and it’s nearly five kilometers from his school. He has to get up early in the morning and run to school. He is never late for school. His father thinks Li Lei is too tired. He wants to borrow some money to buy a bike for him. Li Lei doesn’t agree because he knows his mother is always ill and the family spends much money on medicine. He keeps running every day. He becomes stronger and stronger. He runs fastest in his class.
  Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. Li Lei ran faster than any other boy and got the first place in the boys’ 1,500 meters. The whole school knew him. His classmates and teachers were very proud of him. He was happy, too. He ran home fast to tell his parents about the good news.
  There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Listen to the following solutions to protect yourself.
  Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it’s the best way to protect themselves.
  Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help—such as 110, the police station or a neighbor’s number.
  Be careful with the electrical appliances. If you don’t know how to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check before going to sleep.
  Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask“Who’s that?” with the door locked and say“come back later.” Don’t tell them that your parents are away. Say “Mum’s having a shower.” or “Dad’s having a sleep.”


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