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  20.   — You come from England, don't you?
  —        . How do you know that?
  A.   No, I do     B.   No, I don't    C.   Yes, lam      D.   Yes, I do
  21.   — It's so cold today.
  — Yes, it's        colder than it was yesterday.
  A.   some            B.  more         C.  very          D.   much
  22.   — Must we clean the classroom now?
  — No, you needn't. It        after school.
  A. may clean      B. must clean    C. need be cleaned   D. can be cleaned
  23.   —        ?
  — The one behind the tree.
  A.  Whose girl        B. Who's that girl   C. Which girl   D. Where's the girl
  24.   — How long may I        your bike?
  — For a week. But you mustn't        it to others.
  A.   borrow, lend    B.   keep, lend   C. lend, borrow    D. keep, borrow
  25.   — Have you ever been to Canada?
  —  Yes, I        there last year with my parents.
  A.   have been      B. have gone      C. went          D.   go
  26.   — Do you know        ?
  — Sorry, I don't have a watch.
  A.   whose watch this is                          B.   whose watch is this
  C.   what time it is                               D.   what time is it
  27.   —        are the apples?
  — Four yuan a kilo.
  A.   How many       B.   How much    C.   How heavy  D.   How expensive
  28.   — Thank you for your help.
  A.   That's all right   B.   No, thanks         C.   That's right       D.  Of course
  29.   — Will you please take a message for the headteacher?
  A.   It doesn't matter       B. Sure. I'll be glad to
  C.   Yes, I'll take          D. I can help you
  30.   — Maths is as interesting as English, I think.
  —        . English is more interesting than maths.
  A. I think so     B. I don't think so      C. I hope so    D. I don't hope so

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