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  W: Hello, 276694.
  M: Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please?
  W: This is Jo speaking.
  M:  Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat.  I'm just ringing to make sure if Sunday is still OK for a walk in the country.
  W;  Yeah, that's fine.
  M:  Great! See you at 10:00 on Sunday. OK?
  W:  Shall we make it half an hour earlier?
  M:  9:30? No problem. Bye!
  W:  Bye!
  W: Hello, young man. What s wrong with you?
  M: I just can't sleep at night.
  W: How long have you been like this?
  M: Er, two days.
  W: Right, two days. Now open your mouth and say "Ah"!
  M: Aahh. . . And then I'm tired all day at work.
  W: Well, don't worry. Nothing serious. But try to go to bed at the same time every night, and get enough exercise.
  M: OK.
  W: And don't drink too much tea at night. You'll be all right soon.
  M: OK. Well, I'll try that. Thanks a lot.
  W: You re welcome.
  1. A   2.  A   3.  B   4.  A   5.  B   6.  C   7.  C   8. A   9.  C   10. B 11.  C   12.  C   13.  B   14.  A   15.  B 16.  C   17.  A   18.  A   19.  D   20.  D   21.  D   22.  D   23.  C   24.  B   25.  C 26.  C   27.  B   28.  A   29.  B   30.  B  31.  B   32.  C   33.  D   34.  A   35.  A   36. A   37.  D   38. B   39.  D   40.  C 41.  C   42.  A   43.  B   44.  D   45.  C  46.  C   47. A   48.  B   49.  C   50. A   51.  B   52.  C   53.  D   54.  A   55.  D 56.  D   57.  B   58.  C   59.  B   60.  A 61.  D   62.  C   63.  A   64.  F   65.  E
  66.  us   67.  cup/glass   68.  red   69.  at   70.  did
  71.   like   72.   parks   73.   taller   74.   work   75.   tenth
  New Year's Day is coming. Some students are going to hold a party on New Year's Eve. Now they are busy get?ting ready for it. A boy is carrying some food and a box of drinks into the classroom while others are working hard to make the classroom nice and clean for the party. Look, a girl is making seme paper flowers and a boy is writing "Happy New Year" and drawing some pictures on the blackboard. Over there two students are cleaning the win?dows and desks. I think they will have s wonderful party and enjoy themselves a lot.


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