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  A:  Good morning, madam.
  B:   61
  A:  Well, I'll try. What's the problem?
  B:   62
  A:  I see. Well, we must get it down.
  B:   63
  A;  By sending one of our police around to your house.
  B:    64
  A:  Oh, I think so.
  B:   65
  A: How will you do that?
  B: Oh, it is 21 Oxford Street.
  C: It's my cat, Jennifer. She went up a tree, and she couldn't get down.
  D: Hello, could you help me?
  E: OK. Thank you.
  F: Will he be able to help?
  G: Good morning, sir.
  66.   The young man with glasses teaches         (我们) Chinese.
  67.   Will you please pass me a         (杯) of tea?
  68.   Your coat is green, but mine is         (红色的).
  69.   We had to stay         (在) home last Sunday, for it was raining all day.
  70.   He     (做) his homework late last night.
  71.   Both of the two girls look         (像) their father.
  72.   There are many         (公园) in Hangzhou.
  73.   Who's         (高), Lucy or Lily?
  74.   They go to         (上班) at eight every day.
  75.   Ann had her         (十) birthday in China. She felt very happy.
  1.   W: Where's my pencil, Dad?
  M: Pencil? Oh, it's under the desk.
  2.   W: Have you seen the children?
  M: Yes, they are playing basketball in the playground.
  3.   W: Can you see any shirts in the box? M: Yes.  I can see four.
  4.   W: Which season do you like best, Paul? M: Summer. Because I like swimming.
  5.   W: How many cars are there in the picture? M: There are two.
  6.   W: What would you like for breakfast?
  M: I'd like some cakes.
  7.   W: Li Lei, is this coat yours?
  M: No, it's not mine.  It's Jim's.
  8.   W: How shall we go to the park, by bike or by bus? M: By bike. It's not far from here.
  9.   W: Can I help you?
  M: Yes, please.  I've come to return this book and borrow a new one.
  10.   W: Do you often write to your penfriend, Tom?
  M: No, I'm very busy.  I write to him once a month.

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