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  21. When did Jenny write the letter to Lucy?
  A. On November 25th.     B. On December 5th.    C. On December 24th.
  22. When did Jenny leave Lucy?
  A. About four weeks ago.  B. About two months ago.  C. About one year ago.
  23. Where is Jenny working now?
  A. In New York.          B. In London.           C. In Washington.
  24. What does Jenny think of her new job?
  A. Interesting.           B. Easy.                C. Bad.
  25. Why can’t Lucy go to Jenny’s Christmas party?
  A. She is busy with her work.
  B. She has to visit her grandfather.
  C. Her grandfather will come to visit her family.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分25分)
  第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  【2011山东泰安】26. —Did you get there by ______ bike?
  —No, I took __ ____ taxi.
  A. a; a B. 不填; aC. the; theD. a; the
  【解析】冠词的用法。by直接加交通工具表示方式,take a taxi是固定词组。
  【2011山东泰安】27. —Excuse me, are these ______ new shoes?
  —No, they aren’t. ______ are black over there.
  A. your; MineB. my; YourC. her; Her D. mine; Yours
  【2011山东泰安】28. —Mom, shall we have supper now?
  —Oh, we won’t have supper ______ your dad comes back.
  A. un til B. since C. while D. after
  【2011山东泰安】29. —Which do you like       , summer or winter?
  —I prefer summer.
  A. goodB. well C. betterD. best
  【解析】比较级的用法。good和well,为比较等级中的原级形式;better为比较级形式,best为最高级形式。prefer=like better,通常用于两者之中更喜欢其中之一。由答语句意“我更喜欢夏天”可知,问句提问的是两者事物之间的比较,用比较级。故选C。
  【2011山东泰安】30. —Your sweater looks nice, is it made of wool?
  —Yes, and it’s made ______ Shanghai.
  A. byB. in C. forD. from
  【解析】近义词组。be made in表示“在某地制造”;be made by表示“由...制造”,后跟制造者; be made from表示“由...制造”,后跟材料或原料,但从表面看不出原料。答语句意为“它是上海产的”。故选B。
  【2011山东泰安】31. —I prefer speaking to listening in English learning.
  —Oh, really! I think you should be good at ______ of them.
  A. both B. neither C. some D. all

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